Don’t Wait Until Move Out Day!

By: Tiernaur Anderson, Marketing and Outreach Intern

Use These Tips to Keep your Housing Clean Throughout Your Stay! The last few days of your stay are filled with packing, saying goodbyes, and getting in those last few cultural experiences. But having a giant mess to clean up can be really overwhelming and force you to rush through those final days. Avoid having to spend your last day cleaning up by following these tips for keeping your housing clean throughout your stay.

  1. Spend 5 minutes tidying each night.

Resist the urge to go to bed without cleaning up your space! Spend a few minutes each evening to put things back where they belong. Doing so can prevent the buildup of dirt and grime and can uncover hidden messes. This will spare you from an overwhelming flurry of trying to clean up a summers-worth of messes on your last day!

  1. Always remember to use a plate or bowl.

After a long shift leaves you hungry, it can be tempting to grab a slice of pizza or a handful of chips on your way to the couch. This will leave your house a mess! You may not notice crumbs falling, but when it is time to clean, you’ll notice more and more crumbs after every sweep. Save yourself the effort and use a dish when you eat.

  1. Leave your shoes at the door!

Your shoes pick up lots of dust, dirt, and germs throughout the day. To avoid bringing this into the house, take off your shoes as soon as you come inside.

By incorporating these simple tips into your daily routine, you can save yourself from hours of cleaning. Enjoy your space and remember every last detail of your home away from home. Go out for ice cream with your housemates or friends. Whatever you do, don’t get stuck cleaning!

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