Everything You Need to Know About Moving In: A Housing Checklist

By: Fernando Vazquez, Greenheart Work and Travel Housing Assistant

Congratulations, you found housing for the duration of your stay in the United States! Before you rush out to take in all the sights, you should take some time and inspect your housing. Greenheart has created a move-in checklist for this occasion.

  1. Furniture and Appliances – Are the furniture and appliances listed in your lease, job agreement, or room description accounted for? Take photos with a timestamp and inform your host organization or landlord for any missing or damaged furniture and appliances.
  2. Safety – Is there a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector? If you do not have them, alert your landlord or host organization right away.
  3. Linens – If sheets, blankets, and pillows are being provided, make sure they are all there. If they are not being provided, it is your responsibility to purchase them when you go to the store.
  4. Bathroom – Did you bring toiletries with you? Toiletries include shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, sponge, towels, toilet paper, etc. Make sure to add these to your shopping list.
  5. Kitchen – Are there pots, pans, plates, silverware, and cooking utensils? Most housing will not come with these items, so make sure to add them to your grocery list.
  6. Cleaning supplies – If you do not have housekeeping, you will be responsible for ensuring a tidy living space! Some cleaning essentials include a broom, mop, vacuum (only if you have carpet), multi-purpose cleaner, bleach, glass cleaner, rags, etc.
  7. Groceries – Compile a list of groceries to last you at least one week and plan a trip to the grocery store during your first few days in the United States. Don’t forget basics like condiments, salt, and oil!
  8. Utilities – Are utilities, such as electricity, Wi-Fi, television, etc. included? If they are not, you will need to set up an account with the utility company. Contact your landlord or host organization for help.
  9. Tidiness—Check bathrooms for out-of-control mold. Check beds/furniture for signs of bed bugs or other infestations. Contact your landlord and Greenheart for assistance with serious cleanliness issues.
  10. Miscellaneous – Did everyone receive a key/keycard? Every person living in your housing should have their own key/keycard. Contact your landlord or host organization if someone does not have one.

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