Great Greenheart Cleanup

By Elyse Voyen, Greenheart Club Intern

This year the Greenheart Club celebrated its second annual Greenheart Day of Service! Between the dates of October 19th and November 3rd, all branches of Greenheart International, and our friends throughout the world, engaged in community service. The theme this year was the “Great Greenheart Cleanup” and we were joined throughout the country by CCI Greenheart friends and family, cleaning up various municipal areas. Here are some great pictures from this year’s cleanup crews!

CCI Greenheart Local Coordinator Billie Burgess headed up a clean-up project at the local village’s cemetery. Local Coordinator’s Janette Funk and Amanda Moran, as well as a few other adults helped out along side many of the students. The Village Manager James Freed even stopped in to have a few words with the group!


Here is Local Coordinator Mary Armstrong’s group going strong, raking up a municipal space.

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And here is Local Coordinator Kelli Kirshtein’s lovely volunteer group that helped out at the Plymouth Plantation!


Lastly, here is our very own CCI Greenheart volunteer group, who volunteered by cleaning up Oak Beach in Chicago.

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