A Work and Travel Experience: Work Hard, Play Hard

By: Crystal Deng, Greenheart Work and Travel participant and Ambassador Scholar 

I have really appreciated this exchange experience, and I am sure it has had a  positive impact on me. Although our work can be repetitive, the work environment provides me with a great chance to practice before I graduate! I am a Junior in college, and after this summer I will start my career. This work experience will help me a lot, and it will guide my future life.

I have learned quite a few different skills which can be applied to every field of work, no matter what the job is. On the Summer Work Travel program, my job is not so hard! I work in housekeeping, so we often clean cabins, bathrooms, and kitchens around the campground. We always work in a two-person team! When working, this requires efficient teamwork, especially when we have a bunch of clients that are trying to check in and check out. Our responsibilities include cleaning the cabins and turning in the keys on time, so the next guests are able to check in at the right time. Therefore, I have learned how to communicate with my co-workers to distribute the tasks between us. I have learned that communication with co-workers is really important! Communication is the bridge used to exchange ideas. I believe that good communication at your work is always important.

I also realized that loving the work that you do is important. A positive attitude at work not only influences your own mood but can also influence the people around you. I love that our job creates an easy atmosphere, because I have found that when we work in the morning with full energy, say hello and joke around together, it always makes it a better day. When doing repetitive work, just creating some fun really helps! If you love what you do and are a positive person, it will go a long way.

Also, I learned how to protect my own rights at work. When you are not playing the role of a student in society, but instead are a real adult, there may be some unexpected challenges that will come up and that you will need to deal with. In an unknown future, there are many questions that can come your way. I hope I have the courage to face these challenges head on.

The Summer Work Travel program has had a sustainable impact on my life and career. It is a fabulous opportunity to learn about the United States, not only by traveling but by working and becoming a part of the community. I really appreciate that Greenheart Exchange has provided this platform for me and so many others. It is a good opportunity to work with people from different countries so that we each learn about other’s country and culture. The world needs connections. Cultural exchange can provide energy within our country, but it also provides energy within our host country!

Do you want to learn new skills that will be beneficial throughout the rest of your life? Look into our Summer Work Travel program.

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