Finding Purpose in Pennsylvania

Finding Purpose in Pennsylvania
1 min read
Posted October 6, 2017
By: Laura Vanessa Olave Mendez, Greenheart Exchange Work and Travel participant

This summer in Pennsylvania I have had some vital experiences that have made me value everything in my life a bit more. During my time here, I have explored Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Elizabethtown College, and many museums in Pennsylvania to learn about the history and culture of the area. This experience has made me even more excited to change and help my country, Colombia, to be a better place as a teacher when I return home.

This summer, I have gained a different mentality. This has inspired me to want to travel throughout South America and share how my American experiences have made me a better human being. Here in Pennsylvania, I have made so many other international friends, and I am really happy to have worked with them. I hope that one day they will come visit me in Colombia! ¡Nunca los olvidaré! I will never forget you!

I am so grateful to Greenheart Exchange and my host organization for this experience.

Curious about the meaningful work participants like Laura are doing? Check out Greenheart Exchange’s Work and Travel program!